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About Mary Ann




"You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on

a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write." ~ Annie Proulx

After a long career in teaching and with TAFE NSW, I now write and edit to make other people look good in words. I help individuals and businesses communicate their stories with clarity.


Effective writing and editing are the basis of all great communication—which is critical for business



The problem is, it’s hard work. It can be a real headache.  That’s why I do what I do. Writing and editing are my superpowers.


I started my business, MAH Writing Service, in 2018 after a taking a voluntary redundancy from TAFE NSW. I’ve written and edited for more than 30 years, across all manner of applications: books (fiction and non-fiction), articles, reports, tender submissions, profiles, business documentation, and



Now I guide my clients through planning and forging their books. I make that process smooth, so they can be confident that they’ll end up with a result that serves their purpose—a book or writing they can be proud of.

As well as providing technical expertise, my role is to guide my clients through writing and editing their work, helping them avoid the stress of having to find the way by themselves.


I started out as a teacher: primary school and then adult education—literacy and communications. As well as teaching, I worked in tenders, campus operations, staff training, business planning, business continuity, environmental sustainability, quality, compliance, governance, and research.


I live with my husband and my cat, in Newcastle, NSW, where I work with clients locally, across Australia, and in the UK and the USA. My other main interest in my older age is working with my trainer to get fitter, stronger, and healthier—I'm a devoted but complaining gym junkie. The working out

is countered by the amount of time we spend checking out Sydney’s great places to eat with our kids and their partners.

Martin Salter WOSUP Australia

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